Home : Categories : Ceramic Wall Tile : Harmony/Peronda - Legacy Ceramic Wall Tile : Harmony/Peronda - 1/2"x10" Legacy Grey Ceramic Wall Quarter Round Molding (Glossy Finish)

Harmony/Peronda - 1/2"x10" Legacy Grey Ceramic Wall Quarter Round Molding (Glossy Finish)

Harmony/Peronda - 1/2"x10" Legacy Grey Ceramic Wall Quarter Round Molding (Glossy Finish)Mouse over for detail

Harmony Inspire's/Peronda LEGACY tile pays tribute to the traditional artisanal technique of overlapping reactive glazes, used in the 20th century to create exclusive, unique looking ceramics of different colors and intensities. LEGACY ceramic wall tile's collection is a 2"x10" tile, in a choice of Blue, White, Snow and Grey, stand out for their shine, volume and sense of depth, making it one of the most refreshing, innovative wall tile collections.

Material: ? Glazed Ceramic

Color: Grey

Size: 0.5"x12"

No. of Pieces: 1

Wear Rating: 1

Application: Walls

Frost Proof: No

Price Each: $10.15

sku: PG31930

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